How to Care for Eczema & Sensitive Skin in Every Season

How to Care for Eczema & Sensitive Skin in Every Season

The clothes we wear, the activities we do, and the food we eat changes with the season, and so does our skin. The shift in seasons — and the effect it has on our skin — can be particularly challenging for those who suffer from eczema.

As we know firsthand from our experience with eczema, the symptoms of this chronic skin condition can look different for everyone. In some cases, it can cause the skin to become dry, itchy, or rough and scaly. For others, bumps or tender rashes may develop. It can occur in a few small patches or it may be widespread from head to toe across the entire body. Eczema most commonly affects children, but adults can continue to experience symptom flare-ups throughout their adult lives. 

The symptoms of eczema often come and go and can be greatly influenced by the time of year and season. Seasonal changes in our environment — including fluctuations in temperature, humidity, time spent outdoors, and even the types of clothing we wear — can all have a profound effect on the skin. Understanding the effect of the changing seasons and the impact they can have on your eczema is an important piece of the puzzle. 

While more research on eczema is still in progress, there’s still no known cure. The good news is that it’s possible to identify your individual triggers and develop a plan for managing the symptoms of eczema, no matter which season you’re in. 

Our family found success by clearing our cabinets of toxin-filled skincare products and making our own handcrafted goat milk soaps and lotions (both of which we now share widely with other families and have available here on our website.) But over the years, we’ve picked up a few “seasonal success tips” that work for our family. Give them a try — they just might work out well for you and your family, too!

Relief from Springtime Eczema Symptoms

Many people welcome spring, with its longer days and warmer temps. But spring can wreak havoc on sensitive skin conditions like eczema. For some people, eczema symptoms can flare up with an increase in rainfall, humid weather, temperatures that shift rapidly between winter cold and summer heat, and seasonal pollen that lingers from blossoming trees and flowers. 

Here are a few springtime skincare tips & tricks:

  • Manage spring’s variable temperatures by dressing in layers to protect your skin from extreme heat or cold.
  • Consider taking an antihistamine if you find that seasonal allergens are triggering your eczema. 
  • Since you’re likely spending more time outside, be sure to use sunscreen to protect your skin from the effects of the sun, which can worsen eczema. As ingredients in some sunscreens can irritate sensitive skin, be sure to test any new product on a small area before applying it all over your body.
  • Hydrate, nourish, and moisturize your skin regularly. We recommend a daily application of our Unscented Goat Milk Lotion, and for a spot treatment, a swipe of our Soothing Salve

Solutions for Summertime Eczema

While many eczema sufferers find relief from their symptoms in summer, others experience frustrating flare-ups brought on by heat and humidity, which causes sweating that can lead to itchy skin. This can be made worse by the skin-drying effects of air conditioning in your home or car. Other summertime triggers include swimming in chlorinated pools or sitting on grass.  

Here are a few of our tips for dealing with summertime eczema:

  • Keep your skin cool and dry by dressing in loose-fitting, cotton clothing, and planning outdoor activities for earlier or later in the day, when temperatures are cooler. 
  • Stay hydrated. Drinking water keeps your skin moisturized and your body temperature down, preventing sweat rashes.
  • Rinse off after swimming or being active outdoors, and then be sure to apply moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. Start with our pure and gentle Unscented or Oatmeal & Honey soaps (also available in travel size for use on the go!) and follow up with a lotion to seal in moisture and reduce any irritation. 

Avoiding Fall Eczema Flare-Ups

We don’t want to jump the gun here and skip over arguably the best season of the year, but it’s always good to be prepared. Fall is another season where folks with eczema can experience an increase in their eczema symptoms. These can be instigated by temperature changes, the move from light, airy clothing to heavier, more irritating fabrics, and more time spent in dry, artificially heated indoor air. 

Here are a few tips and tricks to help keep your eczema symptoms down during the fall: 

  • Identify your fall-time eczema triggers and avoid or minimize exposure as much as possible.
  • Reduce your stress, which can increase production of a hormone called cortisol that increases inflammation and can make eczema worse.
  • Stay consistent with an all-natural, three-step routine that can include soaking regularly in milk baths or showering with a bar of goat milk soap.
  • Help keep your skin well defended against the crisp fall air by staying hydrated with an all-natural lotion. We prefer using our moisture-packed goat milk lotion

Back to You

Eczema is an ongoing battle that can become particularly tricky as the seasons change, but it doesn’t have to be! We hope you’ve picked up a few tips that can help make the transition easier so you can enjoy healthy skin in every season. And if you’re looking for recommendations on which products we use on our son’s eczema, check out our Best for Eczema Collection.

Do you have any tips of your own that you’ve picked up over the years? If so, share them with our other readers in the comments below! 

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My son-in- law is a police officer here in the south. Along with all of the gear he wears, he also wears his bullet proof vest. Because he wears it 5 days a week, his eczema is very severe!! He is in pain all the time! I bought him the eczema collection and we’re hoping it helps. I’m wondering if you’ve had others asking about this similar situation in the past.
I love your product and tell others about you!! I pray for many blessings for your family and business!

Carolyn Theiss

I must admit I didn’t see how your lotions could be any better than your competitors. Was I ever wrong. When I switched to yours, my eczema started drying up. No more itching! It’s wonderful. Thank you!

Barbara Hampton

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