A New Beginning to Better Serve You

A New Beginning to Better Serve You

Hello to the most incredible customers on the planet! We love you all like you are part of the family. :-)

We would like to update you on the exciting changes happening within the company. This last year has been one of the busiest years for Bend Soap! To say there have been some MAJOR changes would be an understatement. 

There have been some incredibly major changes, including the end of our Bend storefront and shipping warehouse and a huge big move for the entire company.

If you are local to Bend or Central Oregon, this is not news to you.


Bend Soap Warehouse Team

A NEW Shipping Facility in Tennessee

You may have noticed that your packages are now arriving from Lawrenceburg, TN. While you might be curious or perhaps even confused, we wanted to address this change and assure you of the good reason behind it. 

First, we want to make sure you know that while you may have not seen our faces as much, we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes. Although we have made some changes, each one has been made with you, our customer, in mind, and we’re excited to share with you today!

For several years, Dwight has traveled all over the country looking for a second location for Bend Soap. 

Last summer, we made the decision to open a second shipping location in Tennessee. This move was partly prompted by the impending impact of eminent domain on the building in town we were using. We had to say goodbye to our cute storefront where we met so many of you, and packed up our shipping operations to move to southern Tennessee to a little town called, Lawrenceburg. This town is south of Nashville by a few hours, close to the Alabama border.


Bend Soap. Co Shipping Facility and Storefront Demolished

Bend Soap CO. Shipping Facility Bulldozed in Bend


Tennessee presents an extraordinary opportunity for companies like ours to flourish, propelled by the embrace of American values. With a skilled workforce that exemplifies unwavering dedication, Tennessee aligns seamlessly with our company's very essence. Our commitment to hard work seems at home with the industrious American spirit that permeates every corner of this remarkable state. Furthermore, we're thrilled to see that our team members now benefit from an improved cost of living, and we eagerly anticipate seeing them thrive.

Maintaining Affordability Amidst Increasing Costs

When we opened up our second facility in TN, it wasn’t long before we realized that managing multiple warehouses across states was not going to work for us long-term, so in May, we said goodbye to our warehouse on the farm in Bend, OR as well, moving almost the entire operation to TN. We’re so incredibly grateful that so many of our Bend team have moved to TN to join us for this new adventure. They are seriously committed to providing you with the best products!

Despite the surge in costs over recent years, we've upheld our commitment to maintaining affordability, doing our best to keep prices within everyone's reach.  This reflects our enduring dedication to crafting products that are not just high in quality, but also reasonably priced—a principle that sits at the heart of our company values. However, the skyrocketing costs of operating in Oregon have made this endeavor considerably challenging. It has always been our belief that you, our valued customer, should not bear the brunt of these burdens. 

To elaborate, the combined costs of securing high-quality materials and shipping products—be it to our western, central, or expanding eastern customers—have risen to such an extent that maintaining a sustainable operation has become an uphill battle.

We will always do whatever we can to try and keep our products as affordable as possible. Operating out of Tennessee helps us offset those rising costs - both in obtaining products for manufacturing, and in shipping costs to you.

Our Family Visits for the Holiday Rush

In November, our entire family took a road trip to Tennessee to be boots on the ground with the new team, helping to set up shipping operations and provide support for the upcoming season. Downtown Lawrenceburg has a quaint charm about it that we are eager to enjoy.

The new team is delightful and was eager to pitch in and meet the needs of the fun holiday rush. There is much to appreciate about this new community and we look forward to the beginning of a wonderful new season.

Join Us in Our NEW Chapter

We are truly excited to have you accompany us in this next chapter of Bend Soap Company, and we cannot wait to share with you the exciting developments we have in store.

Thank you for your unwavering support.

From Our Hearts, Sincerely,
Dwight and Marilee Johnson


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Are your products safe for people who have darker skin tones. Your products seem to be the answer for some skin issues my 8 year old granddaughter has. She has been seen by a dermatologist who has not provided any real solution. So I am ready to try your products but I just want to make sure it will be safe for African-American skin tones.

Denise Parker

Years ago – I don’t know how many – I discovered Bend Soap online and placed several orders. I loved the products and photos and info about the kids and your whole family. I also started getting body products from a few other all-natural companies. I especially enjoyed the scents and feels of various sugar scrubs and body polishes. So the other week I realized that my sugar scrubs from another company had gone stale; they smelled awful! But I found one jar of Bend Spoap Chai Tea Scrub – age unknown but it has to be around 5 years old plus or minus – that still smelled great and did a wonderful job in my shower. Now I’m placing another order for scrub a dub dubs!
With love and thanks and soft skin,


Thank you for your kind words! The Johnson family has moved to Tennessee, and we hope you’ll be able to visit us once our new storefront is set up. We appreciate your loyalty!

Bend Soap Company

I loved your little space in Bend, sorry you had to close it! Has your family moved to Tennessee or just the goats? Do you still have a farm outside of Sisters? I’d love to visit if so!

Cara Berman

I may have shared this before, so please forgive me if I have.
I had had a mysterious rash on my body at different times, usually during hot weather. In the summer of 2019, I finally went to a dermatologist who, after a biopsy, “diagnosed “ me . “Sensitive skin!” REALLY! The remedy was a disgusting “salve” that seemed like vasoline, with an unlimited renewal at the pharmacy! I was NOT impressed!
Thankfully, a friend had discovered Bend Soap and suggested that I try it. Amazing results and so fast! I’m totally sold!! Thank you, thank you!

Jenifer Zipp

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